Bring Imbalance into Harmony

Do you need more balance in your life? More energy? A sense of being grounded or in alignment?

Dacia Moss is a certified natural health practitioner offering Integrative Energy Medicine techniques including Energy HealingReikiCranioSacral and Myofascial Release. She will work with you to help bring imbalances in your body back into harmony.

Healing Modality

Energy medicine is a healing modality designed to release blockages and restore your body’s natural energy balance. Whether it’s trauma caught in your body after a car accident, or that your hands and feet are always cold, energy medicine is a gentle non-invasive practice to help your body release stress and restore harmony. As part of this process, Dacia is trained to engage with the body’s CranioSacral and connective tissue (fascia) systems, releasing restrictions in these layers to improve energy flow.

Comprehensive Experience

Dacia (pronounced Day-sha) has over 20 years of professional experience helping people with lower back pain, frozen shoulder, addiction recovery, anxiety, stress, acute and chronic pain of many types, as well as emotional issues. She provides pre- and post-surgical support and can help you face health challenges like cancer, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. She also provides support in preparing for end of life transition.

You know what your body needs. You set the focus for the session, and together we will work to achieve your goal.

Talk with Dacia

If you have any questions or for a brief telephone consultation, call Dacia today at (250) 588-3922.


$100        Initial 90 minute session
$90          Subsequent sessions
$245        Package of 3 sessions
$150        90 minute home visit (travel time over and above but included in the fee)
Gift Certificates Available